Omid Maghamfar has over 20 years of experience in Real Estate from Development to sales, and for that he has been recognized as a full-service real estate expert. Acknowledged as top 1% real estate agent worldwide, Omid has pushed the envelope and strives to always provide the best customer service. Omid is devoted to serving the needs of real estate buyers and sellers throughout San Diego and Orange County. His Background in Engineering and Real Estate development allows him to effectively advise his clients on investment opportunities and development analysis. He also has an eye for architecture and design which has worked in his and his clients' advantage. His wealth of knowledge, deep community ties and savvy negotiating skills have elevated him to the top tier of Real Estate advisors. His enthusiasm and love of Real Estate energizes everyone around him, and with this passion, combined with his unrelenting commitment to providing white-glove service, you will surely be led to incredible success on your next Real Estate adventure.
با سلام به هموطنان عزيز
اينجانب اميد مقام فر با بيش از بيست سال تجربه در امور ساخت وساز، سرمايه گذاري، خريد و فروش، اجاره، بازسازي املاك مسكوني در ايالات متحده و ايران ، داراي مدرك مهندسي و گواهينامه خريد و فروش در ايالت كايفرنيا، شناخته شده جزو يك درصد برتر مشاورين املاك بر حسب فروش و تعداد معاملات انجام شده در حد بين المللي، در خدمت هموطنان گرامي در سن ديگو كانتي و ارنج كانتي ميباشم.
با يك تماس از مشاوره و ارزش گذاري رايگان ملك خود بهرمند شويد.